Sensing Foil Considerations:
We offer 3 different types of foils on our optodes. The Pst3 & FDO701 sensing foils are protected by an optical isolation layer, making the foil extra rugged and insensitive to direct sunlight. The fast response sensing foil is not equipped with this layer; ambient light intensity higher than 15000 lux may cause erroneous readings. We recommend the more rugged and stable FDO701 foil in applications where fast response is not needed.

4835 4831/4831F 4330/4330F 4531
Shallow water X X X X
Intermediate Water X X
Deep Water X X
Used with Seaguard: on top-end plate, on string or connected via cable X   X*
Analog output, 0-5V X X
Analog output, 4-20mA X
Real-time RS-232 output** X X X X
Electrical connection: 10-pin Lemo X X X
Electrical connection: 8-pin Subconn X  

*Only use 4330F if fast response oxygen, and/or fast response temperature is needed. The standard sensing foil is protected by an optical isolation layer which makes the foil extra rugged and insensitive to direct sunlight. The fast response sensing foil is not equipped with this layer; ambient light intensity higher than 15000 lux may cause erroneous readings. To avoid potential bleaching the fast response foil should be protected from ambient light when storing the sensor. We recommend the standard foil in applications where fast response time is not needed.

**Please note: All sensors use RS-232 for configuration.

Data & Specification Sheets

Puck Oxygen Optode 5730

Oxygen Sensor 4330w/4330/4330F

Aqua Oxygen Optode 4531

Oxygen Sensor 4831/4831F

Oxygen Sensor 4835


AADI Real-Time Communication System

News & Press Releases

Sea to Space with NASA: use Aquaoptodes in Photosynthetron

Monitoring Japanese earthquake zones

AquaNet—standardized infrastructure for Lake Mesocosm studies

SeaGuard records 1014 days of data at Hawaiian deep-water coral site

Oxygen Optodes Get Even Better

Stability record for oxygen optodes

Water circulation in Wintershine fish tanks

Coral reef monitoring in the Sisters’ Islands Marine Park, Singapore

Aqua sensor is best in test — recommended by The Linde Group

The ocean is losing its breath

Step Change in Oxygen Measurements


EOL104 Oxygen

Chemical Oceanography in the Arctic

Monitoring around World War II munition dump sites

Application Notes

Surface Water Measurements from Mobile Platforms

Water Current Info at Helsingborg Harbour

Barnakil, A Comprehensive Solution to the Biofouling Problem in Marine Waters

OceanSensor - Mission Improved In-Situ Sensors

Autonomous bottom landers - Study processes at the seafloor by incubation technique

Application of Aanderaa AquaOptode in Urban Aquaculture Shrimp Farming

Offshore wind power: Wind Turbine Platforms (Wind-Tu-Pla)

Technical Notes

Oxygen AirSaturation Calculator

Oxygen Optode Calculations

Articles & Papers

Connecting Upper Ocean Dissolved Gas Measurements from Gliders and a Profiling Mooring

Best practices — Aanderaa Oxygen Optodes

Effects of simulated natural and massive resuspension in Loch Creran, Scotland

Seasonal and interannual variations - Posidonia metabolism

Hyperbaric Fish incubator

Trends in marine dissolved oxygen

Productivity of a coral reef

New calibration equation for Oxygen Optodes

Oxygen Optodes on crab pots

Evaluation of a lifetime-based Oxygen Optode


Oxygen Optode 4330, 4835 and 4831

Oxygen Optode 4531

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